Original article | International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2022, Vol. 1(1) 36-53

Rational Use of Medicines During the Pandemic “The Case of Kayseri”

Ezel Öykü Şengül, Tuğçehan Miray Ünsür, Leyla Ayverdi & Özcan Elzem Şengül

pp. 36 - 53   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.3   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2211-28-0001.R2

Published online: December 29, 2022  |   Number of Views: 75  |  Number of Download: 549


This study aimed to determine the knowledge levels, attitudes, and behaviors of the participants across in Kayseri towards rational drug use (RDU) and to investigate their practices on RDU during the Covid-19 pandemic process. Of all, 868 participants made a contribution to the research. Exploratory sequential design, which is one of the mixed method designs with quantitative and qualitative data collection analysis methods, was used.  Quantitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The mean RDU score of the participants was 39.13±3.38, the lower limit was 16 and the upper limit was 42. In line with the findings, it was seen that 794 (91.5%) participants had a sufficient knowledge level on the topic of rational drug use and 74 (8.5%) had insufficient RDU knowledge level. In accordance with the results of the research, it was determined that there were significant differences between the RDU knowledge levels of the individuals according to their demographic and socioeconomic variables.

This study demonstrated that the participants could not reflect their current knowledge to their attitudes and behaviors due to the panic and fear they experienced during the pandemic despite their mean RDU scores were high. The semi-structured interviews with doctors and pharmacists supported this finding. It was concluded that the knowledge levels of participants were mostly insufficient in the questions about herbal treatment, which is one of the traditional treatment methods. It was revealed that herbal products were consumed abundantly during the Covid-19 process. Moreover, there was a tendency towards food supplements and vitamins during the pandemic process, and painkillers, antipyretics, and blood thinners were used the most within the drug category. In line with the data, an online information meeting on the use of RDU was organized with an academic specialized in the field at the schools of the project students for the students and institution teachers. In the literature review, since there was no other study on RDU in the Covid-19 period and as it was a study involving high school students; it is thought that this study will contribute to the field.

Keywords: Rational Drug Use, Medical Sociology, Community Health, Covid-19

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sengul, E.O., Unsur, T.M., Ayverdi, L. & Sengul, O.E. (2022). Rational Use of Medicines During the Pandemic “The Case of Kayseri” . International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 1(1), 36-53. doi: 10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.3

Sengul, E., Unsur, T., Ayverdi, L. and Sengul, O. (2022). Rational Use of Medicines During the Pandemic “The Case of Kayseri” . International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 1(1), pp. 36-53.

Chicago 16th edition
Sengul, Ezel Oyku, Tugcehan Miray Unsur, Leyla Ayverdi and Ozcan Elzem Sengul (2022). "Rational Use of Medicines During the Pandemic “The Case of Kayseri” ". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 1 (1):36-53. doi:10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.3.

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