Original article | International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2022, Vol. 1(1) 74-94

The Relationship Between Personality Types of High School Students and Their Social Media Addictions

Suat Melis Kundakcı, Sudenaz Uzan & Leyla Ayverdi

pp. 74 - 94   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.5   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2211-08-0003.R1

Published online: December 29, 2022  |   Number of Views: 108  |  Number of Download: 614


The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the personality types of high school students and their social media addictions. A correlational survey model was adopted. A total of 491 high school students who were selected by convenience sampling method participated in the study. “The Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form” (SMAS-SF), “Enneagram Personality Scale” (EPS), and “Personal Information Form” (PIF) were used as data collection tools. One-way ANOVA and t-test were performed to analyze the obtained data. Analysis results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between social media addiction scores and the following Enneagram personality types: helper, individualist, loyalist, enthusiast, and challenger. However, the analysis also found that there was a significant negative relationship between social media addiction scores and the following Enneagram personality types: reformer, achiever, investigator, and peacemaker. It was shown that there were statistically significant differences between the genders in all of the total scores and subscale scores for social media addiction and that the scores of female participants were higher than the scores of males. Besides that, it was found that the total score of social media addiction as well as the scores on all of the subscales differed significantly depending on the preferred social media platform, the frequency with which social media was used, the devices, and the purpose for which it was used. While assistance is offered to personality types for whom positive correlations have been found between scores for addiction to social media and Enneagram personality types, it may be a beneficial idea to formulate interventions according to how these personality types respond when put in stressful circumstances. 

Keywords: Social Media Addiction, Enneagram Personality Types, High School Students, Gender

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kundakci, S.M., Uzan, S. & Ayverdi, L. (2022). The Relationship Between Personality Types of High School Students and Their Social Media Addictions . International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 1(1), 74-94. doi: 10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.5

Kundakci, S., Uzan, S. and Ayverdi, L. (2022). The Relationship Between Personality Types of High School Students and Their Social Media Addictions . International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 1(1), pp. 74-94.

Chicago 16th edition
Kundakci, Suat Melis, Sudenaz Uzan and Leyla Ayverdi (2022). "The Relationship Between Personality Types of High School Students and Their Social Media Addictions ". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 1 (1):74-94. doi:10.29329/ijcae.2022.499.5.

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