Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2023, Vol. 2(1) 1-17

Social Emotional Problems Causing Stress in Gifted Students

Serkan Demir & Ayça Konik

pp. 1 - 17   |  DOI:

Publish Date: June 30, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 170/559   |   Single/Total Download: 246/1.146


When the relevant literature on the social adaptation and emotional development of gifted individuals is analyzed, it is stated that gifted individuals are more prone to social adaptation and emotional problems than their peers. In order for gifted children not to experience problems due to differences in developmental characteristics compared to their peers, it is necessary to be aware of these problems that children experience and to show an appropriate approach to the problem. The approach to be applied should be addressed before children experience problems and should be implemented in a way that contributes to the effective manifestation of their potential. For this purpose, this review will present social-emotional problems such as simultaneous development, perfectionism, loneliness, suicide profiles, unexpected failure, friendship relations, self-esteem, and social exclusion experienced by gifted children based on the relevant literature.

Keywords: Social Adaptation, Emotional Development, Gifted

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APA 7th edition
Demir, S., & Konik, A. (2023). Social Emotional Problems Causing Stress in Gifted Students. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 2(1), 1-17.

Demir, S. and Konik, A. (2023). Social Emotional Problems Causing Stress in Gifted Students. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 2(1), pp. 1-17.

Chicago 16th edition
Demir, Serkan and Ayca Konik (2023). "Social Emotional Problems Causing Stress in Gifted Students". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2 (1):1-17.

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