Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2023, Vol. 2(1) 18-37

A Study to Increasing Global Climate Change Awareness Levels of Z Generation Individuals With Digital Games: The Case of Balikesir

N. Sibel Özatlı, Duru Avvuran, Ela Yiğitaslan & Aslı Çelik

pp. 18 - 37   |  DOI:

Publish Date: June 30, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 77/419   |   Single/Total Download: 104/799


The aim of this research is to increase awareness of 'Global Climate Change' with digital games that will enable Z-generation individuals to focus as an alternative to traditional teaching methods. It was determined whether the 'Global Climate Change' scale scores of the students varied according to variables such as gender, parental education level, parental occupation and income level.A pre-test/post-test experimental design with a control group was used in this study. The sample group consists of a total of 58 students, 29 in the control group and 29 in the experimental group, studying in the 9th grade in a project school in Balıkesir in the 2022-2023 academic year. In the study, the 'Global Climate Change Awareness Scale' was used as a pre-test and post-test in the experimental and control group. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for the entire scale is .826. In the research, the solutions to the data obtained from the data collection tools were carried out by using the SPSS package program. In the analysis of the data, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and t-test were used and the level of significance was taken as p<.01. Firstly, Flippity, Kahoot, and Quizizz-based digital games including scale questions were prepared. While no significant difference was found between the experimental and control group in the pre-test analysis, it was found that there was a significant mean difference between the groups in favor of the experimental group in the post-test. Moreover, the opinions of the experimental group students were taken after the implemantation.

Keywords: Digital Game, Flippity, Generation Z, Global Climate Change, Kahoot, Quizizz

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APA 7th edition
Ozatli, N.S., Avvuran, D., Yigitaslan, E., & Celik, A. (2023). A Study to Increasing Global Climate Change Awareness Levels of Z Generation Individuals With Digital Games: The Case of Balikesir. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 2(1), 18-37.

Ozatli, N., Avvuran, D., Yigitaslan, E. and Celik, A. (2023). A Study to Increasing Global Climate Change Awareness Levels of Z Generation Individuals With Digital Games: The Case of Balikesir. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 2(1), pp. 18-37.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozatli, N. Sibel, Duru Avvuran, Ela Yigitaslan and Asli Celik (2023). "A Study to Increasing Global Climate Change Awareness Levels of Z Generation Individuals With Digital Games: The Case of Balikesir". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2 (1):18-37.

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