Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2024, Vol. 3(2) 56-80

The Role of Web 2.0 Based Presentation Tools in Education: Trends in the Literature and Future Perspectives

Özden Demirkan & Didar Tok

pp. 56 - 80   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 32/29   |   Single/Total Download: 77/34


This study aims to analyze the use of Web 2.0 based presentation tools in education and identify research gaps in the field. The research employed qualitative methods, specifically document analysis and descriptive analysis. Articles published between 2010 and 2024 that include keywords such as 'Canva in education, Prezi in education, Genially in education, Powtoon in education, Padlet in education and Nearpod in education' in their titles or abstracts were retrieved from Google Scholar in Turkish and English. A total of 54 articles from 17 different countries focusing on education were reviewed. The findings reveal that tools like Canva' Padlet and Presi gained prominence, particularly after the year of 2022. Canva's peak in article frequency in 2024 highlights the growing importance of visual content and creative materials in the field of education. Studies emphasize the effectiveness of these tools in enhancing student engagement and collaboration. Country-specific analyses indicate that Indonesia leads in research on digital tools, while Türkiye has relatively limited academic studies in this domain. Methodogical analyses reveal a preference for qualitative methods in studies on tools like Canva and Prezi, whereas quantitative methods are more frequently employed for tools like Powtoon. Mixed methods are predominantly used for tools like Nearpod and Genially. The study concludes that Web 2.0 tools support learner- centered approaches in teaching processes and allow for the personalization of learning materials. However, technological infrastructure deficencies and disparities in digital literacy remain significant barriers to their effective implementation.

Keywords: Technology Use in Education, Web 2.0 Presentation Tools

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APA 7th edition
Demirkan, O., & Tok, D. (2024). The Role of Web 2.0 Based Presentation Tools in Education: Trends in the Literature and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 3(2), 56-80.

Demirkan, O. and Tok, D. (2024). The Role of Web 2.0 Based Presentation Tools in Education: Trends in the Literature and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 3(2), pp. 56-80.

Chicago 16th edition
Demirkan, Ozden and Didar Tok (2024). "The Role of Web 2.0 Based Presentation Tools in Education: Trends in the Literature and Future Perspectives". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 3 (2):56-80.

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