Volume 3 Issue 2 (December 2024)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100



Original Articles The Role of Web 2.0 Based Presentation Tools in Education: Trends in the Literature and Future Perspectives

Özden Demirkan & Didar Tok

pp. 56 - 80   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100.1


This study aims to analyze the use of Web 2.0 based presentation tools in education and identify research gaps in the field. The research employed qualitative methods, specifically document analysis and descriptive analysis. Articles published between 2010 and 2024 that include keywords such as “Canva in education, Prezi in education, Genially in education, Powtoon in education, Padlet in education and Nearpod in education” in their titles or abstracts were retrieved from Google Scholar in Turkish and English. A total of 54 articles from 17 different countries focusing on education were reviewed. The findings reveal that tools like Canva’ Padlet and Presi gained prominence, particularly after the year of 2022. Canva’s peak in article frequency in 2024 highlights the growing importance of visual content and creative materials in the field of education. Studies emphasize the effectiveness of these tools in enhancing student engagement and collaboration. Country-specific analyses indicate that Indonesia leads in research on digital tools, while Türkiye has relatively limited academic studies in this domain. Methodogical analyses reveal a preference for qualitative methods in studies on tools like Canva and Prezi, whereas quantitative methods are more frequently employed for tools like Powtoon. Mixed methods are predominantly used for tools like Nearpod and Genially. The study concludes that Web 2.0 tools support learner- centered approaches in teaching processes and allow for the personalization of learning materials. However, technological infrastructure deficencies and disparities in digital literacy remain significant barriers to their effective implementation.

Keywords: Technology Use in Education, Web 2.0 Presentation Tools

Original Articles A Study on Developing a Fantastic Book Attitude Scale for Gifted Middle School Students

Bilkay Bi, Seçkin Göksu, Cenk Polat & Yasin Coşkun

pp. 81 - 96   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100.2


This research aimed to the develop a scale about measuring the attitudes of gifted middle school students towards fantastic books. Data were collected from 243 gifted students attending middle school. To establish the scale's validity and reliability, both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed. EFA results identified a structure consisting of 20 items grouped under four factors: "importance," "rejection," "comparison," and "behavior." The CFA findings indicated that the factor structure was a strong fit with the data. Additionally, Cronbach's alpha coefficients demonstrated that both the overall scale and its sub-dimensions exhibited high internal consistency.

In the process of developing the scale, a pool of items was created through an extensive review of the literature and insights from experts, followed by a pilot application. Factor analysis revealed item loadings between 0.536 and 0.878, indicating that the items possess strong discriminatory power. These results suggest that the scale is a dependable and valid tool for assessing the attitudes of gifted students toward fantastic books, highlighting the critical role of attitudes in forecasting behavior.

Keywords: Attitude, Fantastic Book, Gifted Student, Scale Development

Original Articles Endemic Plants of Kaz Dağı National Park: Pattern and Design Suggestions

Ebru Çelik & Yeşim Zümrüt

pp. 97 - 134   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100.3


The purpose of this study is to examine the risk factors associated with the presence of endemic plants within the Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı. The study considers the impact of various factors, including the park's geographical location and the specific characteristics of the endemic plants themselves, on the risk of these plants becoming extinct. The objective of this study is to present a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter, integrating the findings of previous research with artistic design proposals to offer a novel perspective on the subject. The introductory section of the article begins with an overview of the area, which is commonly referred to as the Kaz Dağları Silsilesi and includes the Kaz Dağı. The area known as the Utlesi region and the characteristics of the Kaz Dağı National Park, which is situated within this region, are briefly outlined. In subsequent sections, the concepts of endemism and endemic plant species will be discussed, with particular focus on the endemic flora of Turkey. This will serve as the primary focus of the study. The aim of this study is to present the characteristics of the endemic plants of Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı, their habitats and the potential risks they may face. In the final section, proposals for designs and patterns based on the aforementioned plants are presented. The subject of this study is a region of great cultural, health, tourism and economic importance to our country. The aim is to gain insight into the various artistic practices associated with the endemic species that occur in this region. This will contribute to the development of different perspectives and awareness on this topic.

Keywords: Kaz Dağları, Endemic Plants, Pattern Design, Art, Ceramics

Review Articles Technology Adaptations within Adult Education: MOOCs

Ulaş Yabanova

pp. 135 - 151   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100.4


In today's world, education has become a lifelong activity rather than an activity carried out in certain periods of life. The rapid change in technology has brought about rapid and radical transformations in all areas of life. These transformations have been realized in short periods of time in a way that has never been seen before in human history. For social development, and economic and social progress, societies have had to acquire competencies to cope with these rapid transformations and lifelong learning has become increasingly important. In order to cope with this rapid transformation created by technology, technology has been used again and lifelong education processes of individuals have been carried out largely by using educational technologies. This study focuses on the adult education process, which is the most important component of lifelong learning. In the adult education process, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) applications, which have left their mark on the field of educational technology in recent years, are discussed. This technology, which has been frequently used in the adult education process in recent years, has been compiled by examining the studies in the literature.

Keywords: Adult Education, Educational Technology, MOOCs

Original Articles Perception of Social Studies Teachers on Value Education for Character Development among Junior Secondary Schools Students in North-Central Nigeria

Muraina Olugbenga Omıyefa & Saheed Olagbenro Salawu

pp. 152 - 166   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijcae.2024.1100.5


The study investigated the perception of Social Studies teachers on value education for character development among junior secondary schools students in North-Central Nigeria. Five objectives and research questions, as well as four null hypotheses raised. A 37-item researchers designed questionnaire tagged “Social Studies Teachers’ Perception on Values Education for Character Development (SSTPVDCD)’’ was used as an instrument for data collection. The Descriptive Survey Method adopted for the study. The study population comprised of 3,008 Social Studies teachers in North-central Nigeria. To take care of other variables such as gender and educational qualification, the researcher adopted Stratified and Simple Random Sampling techniques to sample the 346 Social Studies teachers in the selected secondary schools in North-central Nigeria. Experts in Social Studies and Tests and Measurement validated the instrument. Tests re-test method used to carry out the Reliability test of the Instrument where a coefficient value of 0.76 obtained. Frequency, percentage, means, independent t-test and ANOVA statistical tools were used for data analysis. The result showed that there is an agreement in the Perception of the Social Studies Teachers on the Importance of Values Education for Character Development among Junior Secondary School Students. Findings from the study also showed that gender and location of Social Studies teachers had no influence on the Perception of Social Studies Teachers on Importance of Values Education for Character Development among Junior Secondary Schools Students in North- Central Nigeria. The findings recommended among other things that Social Studies teachers present in the classroom need training to acquire various instructional skills in their approach to values education. There is a need to enhance knowledge and awareness among Social Studies teachers of how social, educational and personal values have impact on the work of schools.

Keywords: Attitude, Character development, Instructional strategies, Self- efficacy, Values education