Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 2024, Vol. 3(2) 81-96

A Study on Developing a Fantastic Book Attitude Scale for Gifted Middle School Students

Bilkay Bi, Seçkin Göksu, Cenk Polat & Yasin Coşkun

pp. 81 - 96   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 14/28   |   Single/Total Download: 22/33


This research aimed to the develop a scale about measuring the attitudes of gifted middle school students towards fantastic books. Data were collected from 243 gifted students attending middle school. To establish the scale's validity and reliability, both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed. EFA results identified a structure consisting of 20 items grouped under four factors: 'importance,' 'rejection,' 'comparison,' and 'behavior.' The CFA findings indicated that the factor structure was a strong fit with the data. Additionally, Cronbach's alpha coefficients demonstrated that both the overall scale and its sub-dimensions exhibited high internal consistency.

In the process of developing the scale, a pool of items was created through an extensive review of the literature and insights from experts, followed by a pilot application. Factor analysis revealed item loadings between 0.536 and 0.878, indicating that the items possess strong discriminatory power. These results suggest that the scale is a dependable and valid tool for assessing the attitudes of gifted students toward fantastic books, highlighting the critical role of attitudes in forecasting behavior.

Keywords: Attitude, Fantastic Book, Gifted Student, Scale Development

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Bi, B., Goksu, S., Polat, C., & Coskun, Y. (2024). A Study on Developing a Fantastic Book Attitude Scale for Gifted Middle School Students. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 3(2), 81-96.

Bi, B., Goksu, S., Polat, C. and Coskun, Y. (2024). A Study on Developing a Fantastic Book Attitude Scale for Gifted Middle School Students. International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education, 3(2), pp. 81-96.

Chicago 16th edition
Bi, Bilkay, Seckin Goksu, Cenk Polat and Yasin Coskun (2024). "A Study on Developing a Fantastic Book Attitude Scale for Gifted Middle School Students". International Journal of Contemporary Approaches in Education 3 (2):81-96.

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